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The Sea of Pages

Just a girl who likes to read. Sometimes YA sometimes not.

Review: Falling Harder by W.H. Vega

Falling Harder (A New Adult Romance Novel) - W.H. Vega, Hearts Collective

Nadia Faber is a survivor. After losing both her parents at age 12 and being thrust abandoned into the despicable foster care system, Nadia never lost hope. She never gave up. Not even after Trace, the love of her life, was arrested and taken away for trying to protect her from their sexually abusive foster dad. 

I really liked the first part of the book. The characters where great and I loved the dynamics between the four of them. Nadia was a great character. She was tough, sweet and easy to connect to. Trace was greatly written as well. It was refreshing to read how nervous he was around Nadia. Usually in New Adult/Young Adult the love interest is cocky and knows he'll get the girl. So reading how Trace stammered when he first met Nadia was cute.

It's the second half I didn't like at all. It felt rushed and forced. I would have liked if we could have read what happened to Nadia after the boys went away. I didn't feel as connected to the characters as I had in the first part. Also, that ending was annoying! It was abrupt and rushed. I'm not sure if I'll read the second one.

Overall, the romance was sweet if not a little rushed but nonetheless I enjoyed reading this story.